Date of Award

Spring 5-25-2011

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Education (MSEd)

First Advisor

Jessica Millstone


This Master's thesis contains components and documentation of the reasoning for the creation of a community website entitled, Learning Styles: The Key to Learning in which learners of all ages can explore the topic of learning styles in order to gain personal insights into their unique styles of learning. The website is designed to help individuals including children, adults, and educational professionals to embrace their personal styles, understand the learning styles of others and gain knowledge leading to the creation of optimal learning environments for themselves and their community members. The author suggests that the understanding of learning styles leads to efficiency and ease of learning. This enhanced access to one's own process of learning and communicating is believed to allow individuals to progress and thrive fulfilling the ultimate mission of the website which aspires to facilitate a lifelong love of learning. The website can be visited at


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Early childhood special education (Program of study)
