Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Education (MSEd)

First Advisor

Susan Ruskin-Mayher


Studies of "other" cultures are a major part of many elementary school programs. This paper applies some of the recent thinking in anthropology to my own praxis as a teacher. From this standpoint, I ask a number of questions about the theory and practice of "studying" groups of people. How are representations of people created and framed for children? How do children read and interpret these representations? What are different ways that social studies materials construct versions of people? What kind of representations do I want to use in my teaching and how do I want to use them?

I attempt to provide a theoretical rationale for social studies curriculum that includes source material in which the subjects of study represent themselves, and/or those in which the subjectivity of the author is made clear. I attempt to provide a theoretical rationale for teaching practices that include a frequent reflection on the part of the students on their own culture and cultural standpoint, and ask them to consider the subjectivity of source materials.
