Date of Award

Fall 10-1977

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Education (MSEd)


This paper is a descriptive analysis of a college day care center, situated on the campus of one of the community colleges of the City University of New York, which services the pre-school children of full-time matriculated day students. The Center is administered by the student-parents, under the supervision and guidance of the faculty Coordinator, who is a professor in the Department of Student Services. The teaching staff consists of a New York State certified Teacher-Director and Group Teacher, and an Assistant Teacher, all full-time, and numerous part-time work­study student aides.

Chapter I contains a review of the literature on college day care. Chapter II describes the efforts of the original founding student-parents to establish a day care center, the problems they encountered, and the steps they took to resolve them. Chapter III deals with the structure and organization of the Center, and the evolution of the role of each of its three components: the college administration, the teaching staff, and the student-parents. Chapter IV describes the educational philosophy and program of the Center, and Chapter V a discussion of future goals and directions for the Center.


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