Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Education (MEd)

First Advisor

Nesta Marshall


The activity guide, Turn of the 20th Century Immigrant Experience, which is designed for a social studies immigration unit, uses an interdisciplinary approach to teach students about immigrating to a new country. It connects to the lives and interests of our students as almost everyone originally immigrated to America from somewhere. In essence, some students immigrated themselves, while others have parents or grandparents who immigrated to the United States. This activity guide is also specifically designed to teach fourth grade students about immigration at the turn of the 20th century. The New York State Standards for fourth grade require that students learn about immigration and migration as well as about the important contributions of immigrants to New York State. Using the Standards as a guide, this social studies activity guide will focus on past immigration from Eastern European Russia and Italy between 1880 and 1920, and will briefly discuss current immigration.


Childhood special education (Program of study)

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