Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Education (MSEd)

First Advisor

Hal Melnick


This study investigates the attitudes of second grade students in mathematics. It looks into what research states about student attitudes and anxieties in school age children and different methods of keeping them positive. Over a two-month period, a teacher conducted a study in her classroom in New York City to assess change in student mathematical attitudes over time. A survey was given to her second grade students and changes were made in the classroom environment during math times, as well as within the TERC Investigations curriculum that the school follows. During and following the two-month study, two additional surveys were given to students. The results found that there was some positive change in whether or not students found math to be boring. Otherwise, results tended to be the tended to show no change. On reflection, the teacher believes that changing attitudes requires much more time than the time allotted in this study.


Childhood special and general education dual certification (Program of study)

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