Date of Award

Spring 4-29-2019

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Education (MSEd)

First Advisor

Susie Rolander


Writing is, arguably, the most difficult skill for students to master and is particularly challenging for children who have language-based learning variations. There are different schools of thought about effective writing instruction; some, like Judy Hochman, believe that writing should be taught in a systematic and explicit manner, with heavy focus on the sentence-level and building on mastery of sentence skills to move students to paragraph and compositions writing. There are others, like Ralph Fletcher, who lean more heavily on mentor texts, student choice, and embedding rich literature into the curricula, as a means to cultivate authentic writers in the classroom. Through studying and experiencing both of these philosophies first-hand, what I have found is this: effective writing instruction is not about prescribing to one approach or the other; authentic learning occurs when approaches are combined and students are taught the explicit writing skills they need while concurrently being immersed in and exposed to the rich literature that will inform their work.


Teaching Literacy and Childhood General Education (Program of study)

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