Date of Award

Summer 8-1-2024

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Education (MSEd)

First Advisor

Mollie Welsh Kruger


To increase awareness around the importance of Social Emotional Learning (SEL), this paper presents the development and implementation of a digital tool, Feelings Friends, designed to enhance emotional support in classroom settings. The idea came from the need to address diverse social and emotional needs that are often overlooked in traditional classroom environments. Feelings Friends is an app where students complete a daily emotional survey, allowing for consistent and proactive monitoring for teachers and students. The tool integrates into daily routines which provides students with a structured method to express and reflect on their emotions.

The paper outlines the theoretical foundations supporting the app, including its role in helping with working memory and emotional regulations. By fostering a safe and supportive environment, the app aligns with findings from the World Health Organization and Bank Street’s Developmental Interaction Approach, emphasizing the significance of emotional security in academic success and personal growth. Feelings Friends also benefit both the students and teachers, highlighting their potential to enhance emotional awareness, facilitate communication with parents, and support teachers in understanding and responding to students’ emotions. In summary, Feelings Friends represents a modern approach to integrating SEL into daily classroom routines, offering a practical solution to support emotional well-being and improvement of educational outcomes through consistent, data-driven insights into student emotions.


Literacy (Program of study)
