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The Pathways Alliance has developed this definition of teacher residencies to help clarify the field's use of the term. Our intention with this document is to support local partnership discussions about residency design and improvements and to provide state, regional, and federal leaders with a condensed yet thorough definition to guide policies that can support high-quality residencies to attract, prepare, and retain a robust and diverse teaching workforce.
The initial draft was co-constructed by the Teacher Residency Working Group, a collaborative group of Pathways Alliance members with expertise in residency development, support, and research. To inform and revise this definition, the working group sought input from other Pathways Alliance members and over 40 external groups and leaders — including districts, preparation programs, state education departments, and national professional and advocacy groups.
Publication Date
Adult and Continuing Education | Curriculum and Instruction | Education | Educational Assessment, Evaluation, and Research | Education Economics | Higher Education | Teacher Education and Professional Development
Recommended Citation
Pathways Alliance, Prepared To Teach, & National Center for Teacher Residenices (2022). Towards a National Definition of Teacher Residencies. . https://educate.bankstreet.edu/pt/38

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Adult and Continuing Education Commons, Curriculum and Instruction Commons, Educational Assessment, Evaluation, and Research Commons, Education Economics Commons, Higher Education Commons, Teacher Education and Professional Development Commons