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Aspiring for More: Deeper Partnerships for Sustainable Residencies shares lessons learned from 12 university/school district sites as they implemented teacher residency programs during the 2019-2020 school year. Sites began their programs in 2019, after a year of development and co-construction activities led by Prepared To Teach, and contributed to a national learning network. The report focuses on findings from this work in six domains: sustainability, partnership development, program redesign, supporting school improvement, mentor development, and resident learning. Learn more about the residency implementation process in different contexts and the key takeaways for universities and districts looking to establish a sustainable residency program.
Publication Date
New York
Education | Elementary Education and Teaching | Higher Education | Higher Education and Teaching | Junior High, Intermediate, Middle School Education and Teaching | Other Teacher Education and Professional Development | Secondary Education and Teaching | Teacher Education and Professional Development
Recommended Citation
Paull, Z., DeMoss, K., & Mansukhani, D. (2021). Aspiring for More: Deeper Partnerships for Sustainable Residencies. . https://educate.bankstreet.edu/pt/8

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Elementary Education and Teaching Commons, Higher Education Commons, Higher Education and Teaching Commons, Junior High, Intermediate, Middle School Education and Teaching Commons, Other Teacher Education and Professional Development Commons, Secondary Education and Teaching Commons