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This document details the opportunity that Local Education Agencies (LEAs) have to leverage Elementary and Secondary Emergency Relief Funds (ESSER) to develop teacher residency programs at their school sites. It is not only allowable, but also advisable under Federal guidance that these funds can support teacher candidates working for a full year, co-teaching within classrooms with accomplished mentor teachers, helping lead to a more diverse teacher workforce, reducing teacher turnover, and improving instructional outcomes.
Publication Date
Summer 6-17-2021
Prepared To Teach
ESSER, local education agencies, LEAs, teachers, teacher preparation, teacher candidates, federal investment, educator workforce, sustainability
Curriculum and Instruction | Disability and Equity in Education
Recommended Citation
Prepared To Teach, Bank Street College (2021). Using ESSER Funds to Support Teacher Residencies. Prepared To Teach. https://educate.bankstreet.edu/pt/29