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This report focuses on how a group of university teacher educators at Western Washington University’s Elementary Education program and district administrators at Ferndale School District reconsidered their approach to teacher preparation. Instead of viewing preparation as primarily the University’s responsibility, the partnership placed the needs of P-12 students and the district at the forefront of considerations, while also honoring a parallel goal enhancing the preparation experience.
The report describes the successful outcomes of the work, including revisions to the residency like work opportunities, a revised placement process, a district “on-boarding” process, and responsive professional development throughout the residency. Finally, you can find the “ingredients” that enabled the district and teacher preparation program to identify needs and priorities while uncovering opportunities to work differently together.
Throughout, the words of participants help tell the story of the partnership and highlight aspects of the work. These words come from structured interviews with school district personnel, university faculty, university administrators, cooperating teachers, and residents.
Publication Date
New York
Education | Higher Education | Higher Education and Teaching | Teacher Education and Professional Development
Recommended Citation
Miller, M., & Strachan, S. (2020). Co-Designing Teacher Residencies: Sharing Leadership, Finding New Opportunities. . https://educate.bankstreet.edu/pt/6