

Tells stories about a vibrant kindergartner named Lucas through the viewpoints of his mother (Emma), teacher (Carmen), and teacher-educator (Haeny). In this multi-voiced story, the narrative centers on Lucas and shifts outward toward those orbiting Lucas’s wondrously playful universe. The magic of Lucas’s unfolding story is in the ways it disrupts conventional discourses about labels, interventions, and imposed meanings of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).

Author Biography

Haeny Yoon is an Assistant Professor of Early Childhood at Teachers College, Columbia University. Her research focuses on the intersection of play, curriculum, and literacy. As a former primary school teacher and staff developer, she is committed to working collaboratively with teachers on inquiry-based curriculum. At TC, she teaches courses on integrated curriculum, play, and qualitative research.

Carmen Llerena is an Early Childhood teacher at the New York City Department of Education. She has been teaching for over fourteen years, working primarily in Dual Language and Nest programs. She is dedicated to creating spaces for culturally relevant practices in her classroom. She enjoys mentoring pre-service teachers and collaborating with researchers to further her craft.

Emma Brooks is a parent in New York City where she lives with her husband and son. She worked in financial services for eighteen years until last year when her son entered kindergarten. Emma now serves as First Mate on the Imperial Star Destroyer, Deputy Ambassador to Naboo, Chief Training Officer of the Rebel Alliance Commando Unit, and, time permitting, Entertainment Director for Bright Tree Ewok Village.



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