Number 42
Promise in Infant-Toddler Care and Education
Full Issue
Infant Toddler Care and Education: Speaking Up for Young Children and Their Caregivers
Virginia Casper and Sharon Ryan
A Bizarro World for Infants and Toddlers and Their Teachers
Marcy Whitebook
Relationship-Based Infant Care as a Framework for Authentic Practice: How Eun Mi Rediscovered her Teaching Soul
Susan L. Recchia and Seung Eun McDevitt
Including Autism: Confronting Inequitable Practices in a Toddler Classroom
Emmanuelle N. Fincham and Amanda R. Fellner
Preparing Infant-Toddler Professionals: A Community College’s Perspective
Jennifer M. Longley and Jennifer M. Gilken
Getting it Right From the Start: A Retrospective and Current Examination of Infant-Toddler Care in Jamaica
Zoyah Kinkead-Clark and Kerry-Ann Escayg
Building Bridges to Overcome Widening Gaps: Challenges in Addressing the Need for Professional Preparation of Infant-Toddler Practitioners in Higher Education
Jennifer A. Mortensen, Maryssa Kucskar Mitsch, Kalli Decker, Maria Fusaro, Sandra I. Plata-Potter, Holly Brophy-Herb, Claire D. Vallotton, and Martha J. Buell
Introduction to the Guttman Articles
Virginia Casper
The Best of Both Worlds: Partnering with the Community to Create the Guttman Center for Early Care and Education
Robin Hancock
Honoring Knowledge and Experience: Highlighting Caregiver Voices in a Professional Development Curriculum
Margie Brickley
I Want To Know Why
Virginia Casper and Rebecca J. Newman

Virginia Casper is a developmental psychologist and teacher educator. She served in instructional, administrative, and clinical roles in the Bank Street Graduate School of Education for over 30 years. As an early childhood educator, she has specialized in infant, toddler, and family development and published widely in Zero-to-Three and other related publications. Virginia also spent 10 years working internationally in education doing capacity-building work in China, Bulgaria, Bangladesh, Liberia and South Africa, specializing in community-based research and learning. She is also a co-author of Gay-Parents/Straight Schools: Building Communication and Trust (with Steven Schultz), and a textbook on early childhood education (with Rachel Theilheimer) entitled Early Childhood Education: Learning Together.
Guest Editor Sharon Ryan

Sharon Ryan is currently Professor of Early Childhood Education at the Graduate School of Education and a Research Fellow at the National Institute of Early Education Research at Rutgers University. Before undertaking graduate studies in the United States, she worked in the early childhood field in Australia as a preschool teacher, center director, consultant, curriculum advisor, and special educator. Dr. Ryan uses a range of mixed methods designs to research early childhood curriculum and policy and workforce issues including teacher education and professional development. Much of her research has focused on the implementation of publicly funded preschool in the state of New Jersey and she has published a number of reports, policy briefs, and papers looking at implementation issues from the perspectives of practitioners. In addition to her research, Dr. Ryan is Editor of the early childhood series of Teachers College Press and serves on a number of Editorial Advisory Boards. In the state of New Jersey, Dr. Ryan has been involved in a number of state committees and advisory roles that include the state’s Early Learning Council where she co-chaired the workforce development subcommittee for a number years.