Number 30
The Other 17 Hours: Valuing Out-of-School Time
Full Issue
Front Matter and Introduction: The Other 17 Hours - Valuing Out-of-School Time
Jennifer Rebecca Teitle
What (and Where) is the ‘Learning’ When We Talk about Learning in the Home?
Julian Sefton-Green
Global Childhoods, Asian Lifeworlds: After School Time in Hong Kong
Nicola Yelland, Sandy Muspratt, and Caja Gilbert
"A Girl and Her Room"
Rania Matar
Mapping the Social Across Lived Experiences: Relational Geographies and After-School Time
Louai Rahal and Jennifer A. Vadeboncoeur
Changing Through Laughter with “Laughter for a Change”
Laurel J. Felt and Ed Greenberg
Playing Out: The Importance of the City as a Playground for Skateboard and Parkour
Mike Jeffries, Sebastian Messer, and Jon Swords
Drawing with Milo
Jarod Roselló
Guest Editor
- Jennifer Teitle

Jennifer Teitle is an independent education scholar and an associate director at the University of Iowa’s Graduate College. As a doctoral student, she was named a National Academy of Education (NAEd) Adolescent Literacy Predoctoral Fellow and received the Howard R. Jones Achievement Award for her research on the role of subcultural identities in nonschool learning. Prior to receiving her doctorate, she taught fifth and sixth grade in the United States and Germany and was a Fulbright teacher-scholar in Ethiopia. Her research focuses on theorizing nonschool learning and activity and is presented in narrative or graphic novel format.