Thought and Practice: (1987-1991) the Journal of the Graduate School of Bank Street College of Education
Volume 1, Number 1 (1987)
The Master Teacher: A Personal Reflection
Carol Hillman
The Fisher-Landau/Dalton Program: a Pilot Study of Teachers' Perceptions of Learning Disabilities
Herbert Zimiles and Sylvia Ross
The Value of Re-Reading...Again and Again
Bernice M. Wilson
The "Concept Teaching" Game: A Rationale
Hal Melnick
How to Con Your Teacher
Bernice M. Wilson

Editorial and Production
- Guest Editor
- Bernice M. Wilson
- Editor
- Gary M. Crow
- Associate Editors
- Marvin Cohen, Eva Haberman
- Advisory Board
- Lodema Burrows, Barbara Dubitsky, Maritza McDonald, Ruth Meyers, Elsbeth Pfeiffer, Sylvia Ross, Y. Nona Weekes, Bernice Wilson
- Text Editors
- Ruth M. Kolbe, Anne Perryman
- Cover Design
- Ruth M. Kolbe
- Math Graphics
- Joan Auclair
- Production
- Melissa Potter, Jan Miller
- Production Coordinator
- Anne Perryman