Bank Street College of Education graduate student independent studies.
Independent Studies from 2013
Going public : authentic teaching and learning through publication, Katherine Concotta Donahue
Immigration at the core : a curriculum for fourth grade, Ma'ayan Eckstein
Storytelling and play as a way to help children and adults internalize the values of environmental awareness, Sana (Janet) Ehehosi
A study of Lincoln Center Institute, Ashley Eichbauer
Bullying : what you need to know, Hela Erez
Being different, teaching difference : challenges and possibilities for non-heterosexual men in elementary school teaching, Jonathan Farmer
Developing resilience in the elementary school classroom, Ellen Ferrin
Putting the classroom to work--a classroom blueprint : how does a classroom environment influence teaching styles and a teacher's well being?, Maria L. Freda
Rockin school : an audio, visual, and kinesthetic approach to general education through music, Tobias Gebb
Another new teacher : a children's book and teacher's guide to addressing teacher change, Cheyenne M. Gleason
How we understand intelligence and why it makes a difference : a literature review, Maya Golden
Do you see what I see? : using students' self-portraits to gain new perspectives on teaching and learning, Jordana Goldstein
Internationally adopted children & language-based school difficulties, Sylena B. Goodman
Addressing invisibility of Asian-American history and cultural heritage in North American school curricula : a curriculum guide, Kathryn Eliza Harris
Lesson Study at the Bank Street School for Children, Ryan Harrity
An evaluative study of family guides and subsequent design of a multi-museum third grade explorer's guide, Katherine Hillman
Fostering global citizens in the infant and toddler classroom for the cultivation of a culture of humanism, Stefanie Horton
Where is home? a Central Park adventure : an original children's book, Zachary Howard
"Kids Create" : the development of an out-of-school program for creative, empowered exploration in Hudson, New York, Bonnie Scott Jones
Making power visible for museum educators : a theoretical framework for multicultural museum education, Sehr Karim-Jaffer
Something to celebrate : exploring cultural celebrations through childrens artwork, Jennifer Kirst
Building community in the classroom through storytelling : theoretical and field-based perspectives, Yelena Kushnirova
African-American language : linguistics, power, and the impact on all children, Kendra Lewis
Natural science in our school environment : being five and being a scientist, Danielle L'Heureaux
The bullying cycle : bullies, victims, and curriculum advances, Jordana Marshall
"For the first time, all over again" : reading classic children's literature with contemporary children, Julia Hope Martin
Close encounters in the rainforest : a children's book for eight and nine-year-olds, Vandana Mathrani
How Quaker is a Quaker school? : looking for evidence of Quaker practice, Diane Brown McDougall
Chartered sites of exception : problematizing the construction of bare life for exceptional populations in the United States educational system, Jonathan Michael McIntosh
A study of bridges for second graders, Christopher Mera
An exploration of how performance art can activate empathy in high-risk youth, Nancy Moricette
Steady bodies active minds : a resource for using yoga and mindfulness in the classroom, Clare Murchison
Passion and compassion : teaching first graders reading comprehension through kindness and the works of Kevin Henkes, Salvi Muzio
Working on social and emotional issues by bringing theater and improvisation into the early childhood classroom, Mark Penina
Goodnight sister : an original children's book, Johanna Pyun
The case for anti-bias preschool and curriculum for teachers, children and families : thriving and learning in a diverse child-led environment, Nicole Robbins
Racial inequality in special education and the need for cultural competence, Nicole Rosado
Sounds in the neighborhood : a curriculum for six and seven year olds, Rachel Rubinow
Educating towards democracy in infant/toddler classrooms : the example of the Bank Street Family Center, Kristina A. Satchell
Using the contextual model of learning in a museum program to prepare for student visitors with autism spectrum disorder, Mihaela V. Schwartz
Reclaiming subjecthood : education and the art of quality experience, Emily Joy Sullivan
Conversations : a middle school advisory program, Mindy Swedarsky
The Olive Branch Program : a proposal for outreach to survivors of trauma highlighting the restorative potential of nature-based cultural settings, Mariana I. Swick
Erine Pershings and the golden lyre : an historical novel about ancient Greece for upper-elementary aged students, Kate Vasconi
Starting a child life program : a how-to book for child life specialists, Lindsay A. Wallace
Nonverbal learning disability (NLD) : a case study, Dory J. Weiss
"School" - not enough to deal with the real world; how does informal learning benefit school-to-work programs for out of school teens?, Andrea Williams
Providing family-centered care for families and patients with autism spectrum disorders : a guide for healthcare professionals, Kacie Wilson
Independent Studies from 2012
Understanding our Families : A Curriculum for Six-Year-Olds, Sarah Boltz
Exploring literature for children of incarcerated parents, Tara Di Gerlando
Building blocks to growth : an examination of block building's impact on social and emotional development, Diana Elisabeth Dube
Rebuilding Our Math Community, Jessica Feiwus
Birds of New England and Costa Rica: A Science-Based Interdisciplinary Curriculum, Alice M. Ford
The Invisible Tool Kit : On-the-Go Techniques for Child Life Specialists, Vanessa Galan
Mentoring novice and experienced teachers on block play using the developmental-interaction approach in the Philippines, Kathrina Gancayco-Umali
Roots of Farm and Family, Carol Gjenvick
Acting out in the classroom : applying principles and methods of differentiation to address challenging student behavior, Jeffrey Neale Kulick
The common core standards : their history, current status, and implementation in my classroom, Anna Lassiter
The relationship between teacher satisfaction and developmentally responsive structures at New York City middle schools, Elianna Rose Lippold-Johnson
The implementation and modification of three 4th grade social studies content lessons for English language learners and students with disabilities, Benelly Peralta
"Endemic uncertainties" : teachers' professional lives in the high-stakes reform movement, Harris Sockel
Supporting Kindergarteners Coping with Chronic Traumatic Stress in the Classroom: A Handbook for Teachers, Allison Tom-Yunger
Developing A Picture Book Collaboratively With Children, Jenny Torgerson
Giftedness in the Early Elementary Classroom: History, Theory, and Practice, Sonia von Gutfeld
Independent Studies from 2011
Learning Styles: The Key to Learning, Lisa Egan
Bringing Together Mind and Heart in the Classroom: An Independent Study, Allison Fisch
Parents' Access to Information and Ability to Advocate for Their Young Children with Disabilities, Ellen W. Fisher
Making Music Together : A Music Handbook for an Early Childhood Classroom, Shana Hope Frankel
Recuerda que yo estoy aqui Tambien : A bilingual picture book, Liliana Ivette Funes
Delilah the Dinosaur with Type 1 Diabetes: Addressing the Social-Emotional Needs of the Young Child Diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes, Andrea Tuttman Gellerstein
Immigration Through a Child's Eyes: A Study of Italian and Eastern European Russian Immigrants at the Turn of the 20th Century, Rachel Gelles and Ellie Klausner
Racial Disproportionality in Special Education: Causes, Outcomes and Avenues for Change, John Gillies
Creating Conversations, Changing Cultures: Case Study of a Professional Development Plan, Alexis Goldberg
Talking to Children about Cancer, Talia Greenland
Otis: A Coyote in New York City An Original Children's Story, Lexi Gross
Let's Talk About Race: Developing Anti-Bias Curricula in Elementary Schools, Harper Keenan
When Disaster Strikes: A Proposed Model for Child Life Programming in Disaster Relief Settings, Caralyn Perlee
Bank Street and Teach for America: Process and Preparation, Paul Shirk
Some Girls Play with Trains: Negotiating Gender in a Preschool Classroom, Laura Zellerbach
Independent Studies from 2010
A Study of Printed Family Guides and Their Relationship to the Family Museum Experience, Matana Ettenheim
Intersecting & Intertwining Processes: Student-Directed Service Learning and the Demystification of Special Education, Michael T. Farrell
Creating Pathways: NYC Careers for NYC Students, Michele Farrie
Conversations in the Classroom: The Critical Need for Students' Voices to be Heard, Eileen L. Fitzgerald
Imaginative Science Education: Exploring the Wonders of Water, Emily R. Fletcher
Who is Telling This Story? : A Study of an Aesthetic Education Collaboration Between a Classroom Teacher and a Cultural Institution, Katherine Fox
Strategies to Support Children's Reading Progress at Home: Tools for Parents of Bilingual Children, Esperanza Gomez-Gribben
An Interdisciplinary Study of Africa for Tens : The Dogon of Mali, Hope Salas Gray
Side by Side : An Exploration of Family Programs in New York City and Three Pilot Family Programs at Dia : Beacon, Jeanne Parkhurst
Independent Studies from 2009
Philosophy and Practice: Examining Classroom Management in Progressive Education Settings, Jessica Anzelone
Fueling Small Explosions of Conversation: A Reading Curriculum for Fourth Grade, Rebecca Blake Eisenberg
Lessons of Place : A Critical Look at Place-Based Education, Karen L. Lew